Overview of the Bicycle Facilities
Inventory Project
The Massachusetts Bicycle Facilities Inventory project was conducted in 1995 by the Bicycle
Coalition of Massachusetts (now MassBike) under contract to the Massachusetts Highway
Department. Meeting notices were sent to a mailing list of bicyclists, bicycling organizations and
public officials for two series of 15 public meetings each, held in all parts of the Commonwealth.
Input was accepted at
the meetings and by
mail about existing and
planned bicycle
facilities projects, as
well as desired
improvements. The
project also included
selection of a system of
bicycle touring routes.
The collected
information was
compiled into a
database and a report.
The report, now
posted here, is valuable
as a survey of bicycling
conditions, project
proposals and
opinions. Rather than
representing the point
of view of Massbike,
the report represents
the opinions of citizens
-- from seasoned road
cyclists to trails
advocates -- and of
government officals
who provided input.
Existing projects and
suggestions varied greatly from one part of Massachusetts to another. In a few of the regional
planning agency districts, the agency's opinions differed from those of citizens who showed up at
public meetings. The report was subject to approval by the agencies, and so in these cases, the
report reflects the agencies' judgment.
Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Helene Weitzenkorn managed the project. Paul Schimek
developed the database. John S. Allen compiled the route suggestions and wrote most of the
report. Andrew Rubel of Rubel Bikemaps composed the maps. Liaison with the Executive Office
of Transportation and Construction was through Massachusetts Bicycle Coordinator Josh
Lehman and his assistant, Patrick McMahon. Preparation of this Internet posting was by John S.
Allen, with thanks to Andrew Rubel of Rubel Bikemaps for providing the data files for the maps..