Boston Critical Mass Rides

Join us for urban joyrides to changing destinations around Boston.

Increase your traffic confidence through group riding, see new parts of the city, meet other cyclists, show the world we are here, and have fun!

The ride shows that bikes belong on the road and must follow the traffic rules. We stop for red lights (without filtering around cars), make turns from the appropriate lane, wait for the back of the pack, and stay within one travel lane.

Bring an unusual or decorated bicycle, a flag, pinwheel, T-shirt or other art that will show that bicycling is fun and earth-friendly.

Meet at 5:30 pm, Copley Square, Boston, near Trinity Church.
Return to Copley eventually.

Please note: a working head light and a tail light (preferred) or rear reflector are recommended for participants in these rides, per state law, as they often end after dark.

Steady rain cancels.

Critical Mass is a global phenomenon. Find out more about CM in San Francisco, Washington, and Sydney, and

Spread the word, bring a friend, sing the song, and join the group every other Wednesday. There is a pamphlet describing the concept of Critical Mass Rides.

[MassBike] [Bike Events] Global Critical Mass Information