Release Date: 1/25/2000
Contact: Larry Slotnick, Acting Executive Director, MassBike
Press Release
MassBike, working with WBOS, the event's major sponsor, will make the event more accessible to cyclists by providing free, secure bicycle parking all day. As of this writing, the bike parking corral will be located behind the Hatch Shell. Just bring your bike over to the corral and you'll be given a claim ticket for your bike by a MassBike volunteer.
MassBike is launching this valet parking service to encourage greater bike ridership to public events, taking a cue from similar successful services offered by both the San Francisco and Maine Bicycle Coalitions.
Anyone wishing to help out on Earth Day at the bike corral or the MassBike tent should contact MassBike at 617-542-2453 or
44 Bromfield Street, Suite #207
Boston, MA
617 524 BIKE (2453)