MassBike's Draft 2004/2005 Strategic Plan

The draft plan, outlined directly below, will be discussed at the MassBike retreat on Jan. 24. The draft plan is an assortment of ideas that could be worked on, and it is likely that we'll focus on several key issues rather than work on everything.

We'd appreciate your feedback, specifically:

Please send any comments regarding the draft plan to If you would rather engage individual MassBike Board members, you can get in touch with them by visiting

MassBike Mission

To make Massachusetts a better and safer place to bicycle

MassBike Goals

MassBike Objectives for 2004/2005

  1. Implement advocacy and education initiatives
  2. Effectively market and publicize bicycling
  3. Increase membership and organization capacity

Action Plans to Achieve Objectives

  1. Implement advocacy and education initiatives
    1. Registry of Motor Vehicles Campaign - educate motorists about sharing the Road.
    2. Local Bike Committee Empowerment - distribute resources for local advocates
    3. Educate Police Officers
    4. EPA Trail Project - address environmental contamination
    5. Pass the Bicycle Bill of Rights and Safe Routes to Schools.
    6. Road Design Project - continue to serve on Governor9s Task Force re-writing the road design manual.
    7. Kids education project - teach bicycle safety to kids in Massachusetts schools and through MassBike communications.
    8. Sponsor adult bicycle education/commuting
    9. Continue intermodal advocacy with the MBTA and other transit authorities
    10. Additional Bike Path project - such as the Mass Central Rail Trail?
    11. Other Ideas?

  2. Effectively market and publicize bicycling
    1. MassBike Newsletter - increase frequency
    2. Attend events of other organizations
    3. Publicize Bike Week and Bike Month in May
    4. Organize Bike Rally
    5. Revise Website to make it more user friendly
    6. Increase contact between groups in the bicycle community
    7. Increase contact with members of the media
    8. Create new education materials and brochures
    9. Increase bicycle advocacy presence in bike shops
    10. Develop and nurture regional chapters
    11. Develop bicycle event materials/infrastructure
    12. Other ideas?

  3. Increase Membership and organization capacity
    1. Identify and recruit new members
    2. Conduct two events: Bike Night and Major Bike Ride
    3. Write 10 solid grant proposals to implement advocacy/education programs.
    4. Increase contact with existing and overdue members
    5. Develop and distribute new membership information
    6. Decide courses of action for Cutler West Endowment
    7. Hire Fundraiser?
    8. Other ideas?

Mechanisms needed to achieve goals:

  1. Assign MassBike Committees:
  2. Determine staff/volunteer needs, recruit if necessary
  3. Approve realistic financial budget